Translational, transversal & therapeutic oncology (ONKO3T Team)

Team Translational, transversal & therapeutic oncology (ONKO3T)

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Team leader: Sophie MARTIN

Research activities

Topics of the team are focused on solid tumors with the aim to explore specific aspects of their biology to characterize new therapeutic targets.

Translational research for solid tumors

The research topics of the group concern characterization and validation of new therapeutic targets for solid tumors in particular brain tumors (adult and pediatric), osteosarcoma and head and neck tumors. We aim to integrate fundamental research to clinical data in an effort to be more pertinent for the proposition of original therapeutic options. From transmembrane targets to intracellular signaling pathways, we integrate the tumor answers in the tumor microenvironment. Development of original ligands specific for key targets and of preclinical models more clinically relevant is also part of our topics. The former may represent target labeling reagents as well as cargos for drug delivery to tumor cells, the latter includes the notion of tumor heterogeneity in the research of targeted therapies. As perspectives of our work we aim to reach breaking points to propose interactive targets and combination of therapeutic options to fight aggressive tumors.

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