Congratulations to Elisabete, Nina, Sylvie et Tkhe Kyong for their PhD prizes!

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Congratulations to Elisabete CRUZ DA SILVA, Nina MELNYCHUK, Sylvie EGLOFF and Tkhe Kyong FAM, who were awarded a prize for their PhD!

  • Elisabete CRUZ DA SILVA was awarded two 2020 thesis prizes: one from the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg, the 22/04/2021, and the other from the University of Strasbourg, the 18/06/2021.

Her thesis, defended on October 15, 2020, under the common supervision of Laurence CHOULIER and Maxime LEHMANN, was on the subject: "Strategy of non-physiological EGFR endocytosis and aptamer-vectorization".

  •  Nina MELNYCHUK was awarded the 2020 C'Nano thesis prize on interdisciplinary research, in May 2021.

Her thesis, defended on November 6, 2019, under the supervision of Andrey KLYMCHENKO, was on the subject "Synthesis of fluorescent organic nanoparticles for detection of biomolecules".

  • Sylvie EGLOFF was awarded a 2020 thesis prize from the University of Strasbourg, the 18/06/2021.

Her thesis, defended on December 10, 2020, under the supervision of Andrey KLYMCHENKO, was on the subject "Detection and imaging of cancer biomarkers in cells by fluorescent organic nanoparticles".

  • Tkhe Kyong FAM was awarded a 2019 thesis prize from the University of Strasbourg (Thesis prize from the Fondation pour la Recherche en Chimie) in 2020.

His thesis, defended on December 13, 2019, under the supervision of Andrey KLYMCHENKO, was on the subject "Bright dimerized fluorogenic probes for imaging nucleic acids and proteins".