For the second year in a row, the LBP conceived and animated a stand dedicated to virology during the ‘Fête de la Science’, which took place from 8 to 10 October 2021 at the Vill'A, the arts teaching and practice center in Illkirch. The exchanges were extensive and constructive between scientists and young public and a larger audience.
For the organization and/or the management of the stand, congratulations and thanks to Albane, Elisabete, Emmanuel, Halina, Laurence, Manon, still involved in mediation and representatives of the 4 teams of our UMR.
Photos of the ‘Virus’ stand
Photos of the science festival in Illkirch
This edition of the 'Fête de la science' was organized by CNRS and Jardin des Sciences of the University of Strasbourg. The research units BSC, LBP, LIT, iCube, GMGM, IBMP and the IUT Robert Schuman attended stands.