Yves MELY, new senior member of IUF


Yves MELY, Professor of the University of Strasbourg and Director of the LBP, has been appointed senior member of the “Institut Universitaire de France” (French University Institute) from October 1st, 2018, for a period of five years, by a decision of the French Minister responsible for higher education, Research and Innovation from April 6, 2018.

This award honours the scientific quality of his academic work and provides him with additional financial support and time for his research at the University of Strasbourg.

The purpose of the “Institut Universitaire de France” is to encourage the development of high level research in the French universities and strengthen interdisciplinarity.

The installation ceremony of the 28th IUF promotion will be held at the “Collège de France”, in Paris, November 9, 2018, in the presence of Frédérique VIDAL, French Minister responsible for higher education, Research and Innovation.


Reference :
Bulletin officiel n°17 du 26 avril 2018
